Packaging Design Trends in 2025

Daria V - 16.07.2024
Packaging Design Trends in 2025

By 2025, the role of product packaging will evolve from a simple marketing tool to a reflection of brand ethos and identity. At Electric Brand Consultants, we keep up with the global trends, ensuring our audience receives the most relevant and impactful solutions. This article explores the main packaging design directions for the upcoming year and how they can be leveraged to elevate a brand's image.

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility

Sustainability remains a core focus in 2025, as the brands that prioritize environmental stewardship through recycled resources and various green practices are in favour. For example, Lush, a UK-based brand specializing in handmade cosmetics, not only offers natural products like soaps and bath bombs but also embraces eco-conscious approaches with biocomponent-based wrapping. In our projects, we suggest using eco-friendly approaches, which support sustainability goals and enhance the positive perception.


The minimalist trend continues to thrive, characterized by simplicity and clean lines, that make products more eye-catching and memorable. This straightforward philosophy allows customers to quickly recognize the brand and understand its key benefits. Apple exemplifies this approach, presenting both products and packaging in a way that underscores the brand's quality and innovation. Our creative DNA is steeped in minimalism, as we find it to be an effective way of celebrating a product’s core identity, while simultaneously fostering emotional connections with audiences.

Customization and Exclusivity

The demand for personalized solutions is on the rise, as people want items that are tailor-made only for them (e.g. unique branding elements, exclusive limited editions, or customization). Coca-Cola's case shows that personalized packaging has been a thing for some years already, allowing everyone to put their names on bottles. So, if during a kick-off session with a client we recognize that this strategy aligns perfectly with the project goal, we develop a unique positioning aimed at boosting client loyalty and interaction.

Tactile Experience and Innovative Materials

The focus will shift towards look and feel – packaging that is not only visually striking but also very nice to touch. Employing innovative resources and technologies, such as “soft touch” effects, ensures that brands distinguish themselves and deliver a great customer experience. Luxury fashion houses like Chanel or Versace incorporate high-end components and tactile solutions to evoke an aura of luxury and exclusivity. Our methodology is based on providing the detailed instructions for printing companies, insuring that all the chosen techniques and effects are carefully implemented.

Interactivity and Digital Integration

With the evolution of digital technologies, a lot of brands are eager to embed interactive elements. These features can include augmented reality (AR), QR codes, or NFC tags for immediate access to product details. For instance, IKEA has introduced an AR app that enables customers to visualize furniture in their homes prior purchasing. As forward-thinkers, we advocate for the inclusion of digital innovations that not only accelerate sales but also deepen consumer engagement with the brand.


In 2025, packaging will transcend its traditional role, acting as a dynamic communication medium that helps brands differentiate themselves, cultivate a devoted client base, and convey their core values. At Electric Brand Consultants, we continually provide our partners with cutting-edge and innovative strategies that align with the global environment. Regardless of the approach taken, it’s vital to remember that customer perceptions and expectations are shaped by the first impressing from an item, that's why the packaging design is the first touchpoint.

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